Friday, January 30, 2009

Our week...

We live in Northwest Arkansas. NOT Northern Michigan or any other very, very cold place.

Needless to say, this weather came as a bit of a surprise. This is what we have had this week:

It started raining on Monday afternoon. It looked like this by Tuesday morning.

This is our grass. Looks like a coral reef. Ice literally coated every blade.

Poor dogwood tree. It's like something out of the ice age.

This is some dead decorative grass I never got around to planting :P

The view from (under) our deck railing

It was a rough week. Our power went out Tuesday afternoon around 3 and finally came back on tonight (Friday). We "roughed" it for a few days and then headed to stay with some family. The girls thought it was pretty fun running around with flashlights in footies with hot chocolate for about 24 hours... then disconnection syndrome from TV and computer-land set in. Wait. That was me... Internet access has just now been regained. Mike was very excited that Superbowl Sunday is still on. Which, ironically, is also Abby's 4th birthday. A true test of fatherhood :) as to which one he picks. Who am I kidding - I would never put him in that position!!! (We all know he would choose wisely... he's really a great, great daddy and husband.)
Here's hoping you're warm and toasty wherever you are.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Still here

No, I haven't dropped of the face of the Earth. The Earth has just been spinning too fast for me to stop and blog. I'll be back in the swing of blogging soon.