Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sometimes you just don't ask why...

And I didn't. I just grabbed the camera. She was supposed to be in the shower.

And I didn't. She was asleep on the couch, which is microfiber and apparently does crazy things to hair.
Love this kid.

Fire and ice

A quick snapshot from the car on the way to Wal-Mart
The frozen tundra (well, it's as close as I'll ever be, anyway)

Today, however, it was a balmy 65 degrees. We took advantage of the nice weather and burned up all our poor tree parts that rained down during the ice storm. We then took advantage of the burning tree parts to cook hot dogs. All in the circle of life.

One of my favorite pics. I love fire!

Abby's Fourth Birthday

After the make-over, complete with tattoos on foreheads and the neon pink blush which is all the rage in the preschool scene, I hear

Hannah and Ryley wear every item of dress-up clothes they own... all at the same time!!!


Sassy-pants on our actual birthday-day, aren't we?!? For the record, Hannah said something to me today, and I answered with "DUH..."

Sweetie on the birthday party-day (not so much the birthday-day)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poop in a "sink hole"

Yes, I really titled my post that. Because it's true.

A few nights ago I went into Abby's room to kiss her goodnight. There was a distinct and strong smell of Abby-poop in the room. I do not mean to imply that I can distinguish my children's poop from each other or from anyone else (not a talent I'd broadcast if I could!!) but that we do have several animals, and human poop definitely smells different than animal poop. Maybe that's not a talent to shout from rooftops either... and again I digress.

Anyway, back to the poop smell. There are two restrooms less than 5 feet away from Abby's room, so I did consider that someone could have used the toilet and not flushed. It happens a lot in our house of three girls, oddly. But, on a whim, I said to Abby, "It smells like poop in here. Did you poop?"

Abby is four years old. She hasn't pooped in her pants in two years probably, so I would have been surprised if she had, but honestly she's going through a mean streak lately so who knows??

Well, there are a few telltale signs that Abby has done whatever you just accused her of: 1) she answers with "it wasn't me" before you finish the sentence; 2) she runs away and hides; or 3) she tucks her chin in against her head like a turtle, peers up at you, and gives a fake smile. That evening her response to the poop question was option #3. Busted.

Question #2: "You pooped in here?" Answer: Option #3, more pronounced

Question #3: "WHERE, ABBY?"

She pointed in the general direction of the play kitchen. I walk over there and sure enough, the smell is stronger. But I don't actually see anything... so she gets up and points into the plastic tub that is the "sink" of the kitchen. I still don't see anything. Then I remember that the sink is removable, and sits down in a tub-sized hole. Sigh. I do the obvious... I pick up the tub and peer down into the hole.

There, on the shelf under the hole, neatly sits two small poop pieces as well as a small puddle.

Do I need to mention the close proximity of the TWO bathrooms again?

Stifling giggles, I sternly remind Abby that this is very gross and germy and never to do it again. I remove the offending poop and puddle, clorox-wipe the whole thing down, and run to tell Mike all about it.

His response? "Yeah, I smelled it too but couldn't find it." Apparently he was very concerned because he was playing on the computer when I found him. Maybe I can get Abby to poop in his sink next time!

Yes, I just posted a blog with some version of the word "poop" used THIRTEEN TIMES.