Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poop in a "sink hole"

Yes, I really titled my post that. Because it's true.

A few nights ago I went into Abby's room to kiss her goodnight. There was a distinct and strong smell of Abby-poop in the room. I do not mean to imply that I can distinguish my children's poop from each other or from anyone else (not a talent I'd broadcast if I could!!) but that we do have several animals, and human poop definitely smells different than animal poop. Maybe that's not a talent to shout from rooftops either... and again I digress.

Anyway, back to the poop smell. There are two restrooms less than 5 feet away from Abby's room, so I did consider that someone could have used the toilet and not flushed. It happens a lot in our house of three girls, oddly. But, on a whim, I said to Abby, "It smells like poop in here. Did you poop?"

Abby is four years old. She hasn't pooped in her pants in two years probably, so I would have been surprised if she had, but honestly she's going through a mean streak lately so who knows??

Well, there are a few telltale signs that Abby has done whatever you just accused her of: 1) she answers with "it wasn't me" before you finish the sentence; 2) she runs away and hides; or 3) she tucks her chin in against her head like a turtle, peers up at you, and gives a fake smile. That evening her response to the poop question was option #3. Busted.

Question #2: "You pooped in here?" Answer: Option #3, more pronounced

Question #3: "WHERE, ABBY?"

She pointed in the general direction of the play kitchen. I walk over there and sure enough, the smell is stronger. But I don't actually see anything... so she gets up and points into the plastic tub that is the "sink" of the kitchen. I still don't see anything. Then I remember that the sink is removable, and sits down in a tub-sized hole. Sigh. I do the obvious... I pick up the tub and peer down into the hole.

There, on the shelf under the hole, neatly sits two small poop pieces as well as a small puddle.

Do I need to mention the close proximity of the TWO bathrooms again?

Stifling giggles, I sternly remind Abby that this is very gross and germy and never to do it again. I remove the offending poop and puddle, clorox-wipe the whole thing down, and run to tell Mike all about it.

His response? "Yeah, I smelled it too but couldn't find it." Apparently he was very concerned because he was playing on the computer when I found him. Maybe I can get Abby to poop in his sink next time!

Yes, I just posted a blog with some version of the word "poop" used THIRTEEN TIMES.


The Beaver Bunch said...

JUST thirteen time? Oh yeah, I forget your girls are older. Chances are if you were blogging 4 years ago, thirteen would have been a drop in the sinkhole.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

The Booys said...

I read that entire thing with my nose snarled and giggling inside!! Just hilarious stuff!! I will be looking around our house now to check for sneaky hiding places for poop balls!!