Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Great Baking Soda Debacle of 2009... and other mayhem

Really. It WAS quite a debacle.

THIS is the first thing I see as I walk out the back door...

Then this...Then there was this...
Not even the firepit escaped...Nor did the dog bowl...
Yet she still gives the impression that she's totally innocent...
This little event wasn't the only fun part about this week, no sir..

There was also the "pants in the toilet" gala - where I went to use the restroom (in MY bathroom, I might add) and found a small pair of pajama pants floating in my toilet. I already know from experience that Abby is the guilty party, so I called her in and questioned her motives... and got the following response.

"I couldn't reach the toilet paper."

And here I was hoping that the pants were merely placed in the toilet out of mischievousness. Nope, there were certain needs to be met, and met they were, in an astounding case of resourcefulness. I'll let you guess what was floating UNDER the pants.

The really sad part? They were Ryley's pants.

And last, but certainly least... there was the "Notorious Theft of Starburst from a certain Movie Rental Establishment". It was a dark and stormy night (okay, perfect and sunny...whatever!) and the girls and I went to rent movies to ease our pains from missing Daddy. You may also recall this is the fateful night where Marley and Me forever ruined our Saturday night. Well, turns out we came home with a little more than a depressing movie... my youngest daughter has begun what is surely to lead to a lifetime of crime.

I'm thinking of having her fingerprinted now, to save a lot of heartache and policework later on.


1 comment:

The Beaver Bunch said...

I need more Martin family capades! Come on!