Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today I Am Glad

On this cool, clear, sunny Sunday morning.... I am glad.

Not angry that there are heaps of laundry, but GLAD that there are five people in my house that have clothes to wear.

Not angry that my room is full of kids' clutter, but GLAD that I have three beautiful, healthy children to whom that clutter belongs.
Not angry that my house is never as clean as I'd like, but GLAD that I have a big, comfortable house that's warm for us to live in.
Not angry that I go back to work tomorrow, but GLAD that I have a job.

I'm not the least bit frustrated that our credit cards have balances again, but CALM knowing that we have the resources to pay them off. (Again :) )
Not upset with my husband for any number of trivial, ridiculous things that he did or did not do... but THANKFUL that there is no doubt that he loves me and our children and would do anything for us.
Not overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility that parenthood and being a wife presents on a daily, if not hourly basis... but THRILLED that I have the opportunity to be a mother and a wife.
Not bummed because I need to go grocery shopping... but THANKFUL that I have a nice car to drive there, the money to buy what we need, and a healthy body to carry out the task.

Not super-anxious about the possibility of Mike's new awesome job, but SATISFIED knowing that he is well-qualified for it and any other job he cares to apply for. (Okay, that's a little bit of a lie. I'm SUPER-ANXIOUS to know!!)
I'm ecstatic to know that whether he gets the job or not, that we'll be PERFECTLY FINE.

I'm not frustrated that the girls need new clothes, again, because I'm GLAD to know that they're healthy and growing fast.
I'm not sad that they're growing up so quickly, but EXCITED about the new opportunities and milestones that they reach every day.
I'm not exhausted from the busy schedules and activities, but overwhelmed with PRIDE at the successes they have in these activities.
Not the least bit mad that they misbehave or sneak candy or find creative ways to do exactly whatever it is I said not to do... but in AWE of how smart they are. (It's creepy, really.)

Not the least bit ashamed, disappointed, or angry with whatever life has sent my way... but GLAD.

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