Friday, March 12, 2010

How much was I lazy today? Let me count the ways...

1. I refused to fix my hair today. Ponytail and bobby pins for these horrific new bangs instead. That darn round brush is going to be the death of me.
2. I put on my only clean work outfit (although this fact is really due to a different day of laziness) and was really, really happy because no part of it required ironing. Because I wouldn't have ironed it anyway.
3. I just made the kids clean my living room while I sat in my chair and directed. Hey, it's their mess anyway. Yes, they wear adult size 10 shoes. What?
4. Instead of washing a kitchen utensil with dish soap, I used the hand soap because it was by the sink and the dish soap was under the sink. I was totally too lazy to bend over, open the doors, and get it. Plus all the putting the soap BACK under the counter was clearly out of my league today. I should get brownie points for actually washing the thing instead of justifying not washing it because it was just going into hot grease anyway.
5. I left work early (since there was nothing really going on) on the pretense of coming home to start laundry. I did, indeed, START the laundry. One load. I may pass out from the exertion.
6. I've read six books this week. That's it.
7. If I had my way, I'd read six more and do absolutely nothing else.
8. The kids wanted chicken strips and fries for dinner. I secretly was very happy they wanted those instead of ringos, because they like the ringos microwaved and operating two appliances was more than I cared to mess with.
9. I also had chicken strips and fries, even though I didn't really want them. See number 8.

Hope your day was as lazy as mine.

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