Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This week's list of things I was thankful for

Thursday, Nov. 6
  1. A work meeting on the need and value of training people. I was actually fired up about something work-related for the first time in a loooonnnnggg time. Maybe I've found my calling.
  2. Granny & Papa. This falls in the category of really, really, REEAAALLLYY thankful.
  3. JEANS DAY!!! Every Thursday you can donate $1 to wear jeans to work. I'd pay $5 but don't tell them that.

Friday, Nov. 7

  1. Happy, healthy babies. I take them for granted far too often.
  2. Short work days! I left at lunch!
  3. Really, really good friends. I don't have a lot of them, but the ones I have are truly great.
  4. Super-smart kids. Hannah's parent-teacher conference was tonight.

Saturday, Nov. 8

  1. Five wonderful years spent with my Ryley Taylor (okay, so I cheated a few days - she turns 5 on the 10th)
  2. A great afternoon with family, which produced this opportunity

  3. A well-planned and well-executed day... no rushing around or forgetting things.

Sunday, Nov. 9

  1. Watching Hannah at a gym meet and getting little shivers of excitement when I saw how far she's come from last year. I'll post video if I can.
  2. A no-laundry weekend. And no, I don't mean that there wasn't any to do....please. that's right, I didn't do ANY.
  3. A generally nice day weather-wise and otherwise.

Monday, Nov. 10

  1. Nobody said "It sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays" to me. Wait. Yes they did, but they were totally kidding. (If you haven't seen Office Space that comment will make no sense to you.)
  2. A warm, toasty house. I went all crazy and turned the thermostat up to....72!!!
  3. Giggling in bed with Mike. (Okay, mostly I giggled. Boys don't really giggle, do they?)

Tuesday, Nov. 11

  1. Sick days home from work. Not so much thankful for the sick part as for the sleeping all day part and watching stupid movies part.
  2. Dayquil. Wonderful stuff. Nyquil. Even better.
  3. Not having to cook dinner (Thanks Papa!)

Wednesday, Nov. 12th

  1. A truly productive day at work. Stop laughing. It really happened!!!
  2. My boss returning to work soon. Seriously.
  3. A luxury lunch at Copeland's with Mike. Yummy. Extra bonus when we saw that they deep-fry turkeys for Thanksgiving, which in turn became my culinary contribution to Thanksgiving Dinner (you can laugh at that one. I can totally cook but SO choose not to.)

All in all, a nice, quiet, slow week.

Report on extra-credit work from last week (Three things I said I'd work on):
Patience, patience, patience... It's in short supply and as a result I'm losing my cool far more often than I should. If I did better at all, it was a small improvement. Abby continues to wet her pants after going 3 months without doing so and I'm LOSING MY MIND!!!
Creating more opportunities for events to be thankful for - stop using "I'm too tired" as an excuse.
I did better here. I let my kids play with makeup and tonight we're getting the fish tank ready for Hannah's new goldfish.
Calmly and rationally telling my husband why I'm irritated instead of letting it fester until I blow up. I think I only blew up once, and it was a small blow-up. A "poof" really. Not the "KA-BOOM" kind. Maybe you should ask him how I'm doing. (Then you will immediately tell me everything he said!!) Oh dear, I really haven't made it far at all. Better luck next week :)

1 comment:

The Beaver Bunch said...

Good stuff Court. And, don't beat yourself up too much on the "to do" list. Find blessings in the small steps, I know I do.