Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another milestone in kid-raising

Ryley successfully completed her kindergarten wellness exam and last round of shots today. SIGH. She did great, and didn't even cry when they gave her the shots.

Of course, now her legs are sore so she required me to wash her hair in the bathtub AND lift her out of it... think somebody might be milking the situation much???

I'm not that mom that cries hysterically when her children go to school (but I am totally NOT judging if you are). I'm excited for her and she is excited to be a "big girl". I think she was ready last year, but as her birthday falls after the age cutoff, she'll now be one of the older ones in her class. And probably one of the tallest.

This should be very handy for her in high school... as one of the first to have her driver's license. Yikes.

Anyway, she's very healthy, with good vision, eating habits, and spine alignment (seriously). We were lectured momentarily on the importance of bike helmets. What horrible parents we must seem to be... I'm all for carseats and sunscreen, but the bike helmet I just can't get excited about. Perhaps my feelings will change once the training wheels come off and top speed reaches higher than my jog. And people, my jog is SLOW.

And guess what? Abby will enter Kindergarten NEXT YEAR. If I'd thought about it for more than 5 seconds we would have just done all her doctor stuff at the same time.

I wonder what it will be like when they're all in school? I plan to change my work hours again so that I can either drop them off or pick them up more often. I'm trying to convince Mike that he needs to become a VP, like FAST, so that I can stay home. Yes, I'm that lady that waits until her kids are in SCHOOL to stay home with them :) and I am not ashamed. I love those girls but sometimes I need to love them when they're somewhere else, and they need that too.

Okay, so I've gone all random now. Anyway, just wanted to share the milestone with you. Anybody got a new baby I can hold for a minute? Mine seem to have time-warped out of that stage straight into the teens.

1 comment:

The Beaver Bunch said...

Okay, so I laughed out loud (seriously) at "I love those girls but sometimes I need to love them when they're somewhere else, and they need that too. "

Wow. You been reading my diary?