Monday, October 27, 2008

Marathon Sleeping

I've found a new pasttime - marathon sleeping. Okay, okay, it's not new - I perfected it a long time ago - but I had gotten to where I resisted the urge. Lately it has been impossible.

For example, yesterday I was in our chaise and literally passed out. Cold. No alcoholic beverages were involved. At 12:30 p.m. It would be prudent to mention that I didn't get out of the bed until 9:30a.m. I stayed in my semi-lounging, head-conked-over, probably drooly position for almost two hours. Then, I woke up long enough to move into our guest bedroom, where I slept until 5:30p.m. Honestly, I could have slept for the remainder of the evening with zero trouble - I only got up because I had promised the girls we would go to our little lake and feed the ducks.

Now, my mother will tell you I've always been a sleeper. I was that kid that literally fell asleep in her dinner. In the playroom floor. In the car. At church. In the bathroom cabinets. Wherever.

However, lately I am just exhaused beyond all reason. It's very curious, this exhaustion. I have experienced many levels of exhaustion - the kind that comes after an all-day volleyball tournament where you have played 15-20 games (4-5 matches), the kind that comes with babies and frequent but broken sleep, and the mental kind that results from a non-stop day of complicated work issues. The kind I'm experiencing now is different than all of these.

In each of the other types, I could "sleep it off." This kind doesn't seem to respond to sleep. I refuse to take any kind of sleep aid because it makes me groggy and it doesn't seem to make a difference, and anyway clearly the problem is not that I can't sleep - it's that the sleep isn't restful.

I'm guessing it is a side effect of all the things that I've been struggling with lately - work, home, kids, Mike. I'll get to each of these in a separate blog eventually - I don't think I'm ready yet. I'd swear that I'm having a one-third-life crisis at 29. I'm going to post another blog later this evening on one of the major contributors to my exhaustion - I think I'm just "going through the motions" of life.

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