Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I play in a women's volleyball league every fall. We started back up tonight and it was U-G-L-Y - UGLY.

Some history - I started playing volleyball in 8th grade at the encouragement of my basketball coach (she was also the volleyball coach). I was moderately athletic, so why not (translation - I could sometimes walk without tripping). I had been a cheerleader during volleyball season in my seventh grade year (yikes!) and didn't care for it, so I was excited. Had zero clue how to play, about the rules - and there are many, nothing. But, I was tall.

I loved it. Never looked back - played year-round from then on in high school and in club/Junior Olympic (sounds really official, doesn't it?). Got a scholarship to Lyon, a little liberal arts college in Batesville, AR... very small, perfect for someone from a small town who is terrified of change... where I could still play competitively but not have it encompass my entire life.

I'll admit I have never worked at it or any other sport to my full potential. I didn't really "train" like most athletes, didn't diet, didn't work out on my own... but, just playing as often as I did I was in good shape. There was muscle definition. And no jigglies. I had abs, people - and the rear end was a little north of where it is now and definitely a much smaller acreage.

I got burned out. I had a temperamental coach (I swear she was bipolar) my last season, and I let her suck all the fun out of it for me. The operative phrase is "I let her" because it's true. I chose to let her get in my head. Anyway, the point is that I didn't play at all for a few years after I graduated.

I tell you, volleyballers are like a little club - we find other players wherever we go. A lady at work played and introduced me to a group of guys that played in our work fitness center during lunch. I was excited to get back in....until the next day when I couldn't lift my arm or cough without crying, anyway! Of course, that group introduced me to the women's league players, who introduced me to a co-ed league and also to the local club team that I helped coach last year. I was back! I played myself back into shape, played at least twice a week, sometimes twice a day!

Then... life happened. I had babies. That's a good 9-12 month sabbatical. I worked crazy hours and playing meant staying at work even later. I got back to playing at lunch - fought off the soreness, even started jogging on the off days to get in better shape - regained a small portion of my vertical jump. Work again - didn't make it to play for another 6 months off and on.

So... tonight I played for the first time since two months ago, which was the first time I'd played in more like 6 months... No abs - no vertical - no muscle tone - LOTS of jigglies - no comment on the rear end. I'm already stiff (just finished playing an hour ago!), and I'm positive I'll be sore tomorrow. The sad part is that the other team wasn't very good and I'm not sure I broke a sweat...

Oh, and update on yesterday's blog. I did not turn on the TV. The girls and I played with the new kittens, I cooked dinner, and the only time I said 'No' was when Abby asked if she could have dessert in her bed. I also purchased some books with conversation-starting questions geared towards kids for dinnertime. So far, we're doing okay.


The Beaver Bunch said...

Oh me oh my, our stories are too similar. I miss volleyball so much. I miss the playing, I miss the teamwork, I miss the soreness (yes, I said it).

More things jiggle on me than I care to admit and I think I just might have more chins than a chinese phonebook.

BUT, I've got a bunch of really cute kids. Maybe when they are 40 I'll play again.

A girl can dream can't she?

The Beaver Bunch said...

Oh, and good for you for resisting the urge for the TV. The computer is my addiction and it seems to grab my attention each time I walk by it.