Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Hey... just sitting home with Abby today - she's got a yucky cough. She's blissfully in the land of "only child" and "unlimited TV time" right now. I decided that I'd whined enough for a while and today I'd rather focus my efforts on funny stuff. Well, at least I think it's funny.

I think I mentioned in an earlier blog that we got kittens back around Halloween. They're awfully cute but awfully energetic... particularly in the wee hours of the night. They've recently discovered how to defy gravity and run sideways across our headboard (it's fabric). Quite amazing really, and also very noisy - claws make a popping sound when they grab and release fabric. Consequently, they've also been...ahem... "taught" to fly. I'm sorta kidding. The conscience and good judgment are not so prominent in the throes of sleep.

Abby asked for some cranberry juice this morning. It was left over from last Saturday's mini-party with our friends. I'm positive she doesn't like it, it's very sour, but she's also very "sour" when you tell her no. For the record, I suggested she taste it before we fill her cup completely up. Her reply was "I appreciate that taste." (what? Hello! almost four-year-old) She still thought she needed a whole glassful. Approximately 30 minutes later she informed me the juice was bad. Right.

Ryley found a black marker somewhere in her room the other day and brought it to me. She declared that it was a "pregnant" marker.

Took me a minute to figure out she meant "permanent".

Today she declared that the kitten smelled like "tooted". We may not completely understand the use of adjectives versus verb tense yet...

One evening during the question game - in response to "what is your favorite toy?" - Abby suggested that Mommy's favorite toy was "the long shaky thing". If you don't get it, I declare that your mind is pure. If you get it, come on over to the dark side. Mike laughed for a good thirty minutes over that one. For purposes of clearing my own name, she was talking about Hannah's crazy ink pen that wiggles when you write so that your letters are loopy. Kids say the darnedest things.

Of course, there's always the famous ketchup-dropping incident... Hannah was all of two or three years old maybe when she watched me grab the economy-sized ketchup bottle out of the fridge, drop it, and consequently send globs of ketchup flying everywhere in the kitchen. I was aggravated but had no idea the impact it would leave on Hannah. Ketchup is apparently sacred in our house. Not only did she freak out then, she continues to bring it up periodically (did I mention she's eight now??) and for extra fun - when Mike spills something he loves to say "Remember that time that Momma dropped the ketchup???" Punk.

So, to incriminate him... Hannah was two when he taught her the game of pretending to take someone's nose and "showing" it to them (really a fist with your thumb stuck through two of your fingers). She was all good and fine with that game until the day he "took" her nose, "threw" it into the blender and turned it on... Priceless... although it didn't seem to stick in her mind as clearly as the ketchup incident. Priorities, I guess. You can very possibly live without your nose, but KETCHUP.....

All right, Abby's kicking me off now. She wants to go to PBS Kids.com. All I want for Christmas is my very own laptop....


The Beaver Bunch said...

Clearly, my mind isn't functioning on all cylinders because I don't know what the long shaky thing is. Or at least I'm hoping I don't.

Surely my mind isn't THAT clean (or dirty, if it's really what I think it is).

The Beaver Bunch said...

I thought it might be that kind of "shaky" thing. How in the world would she know you have that? Wait...do I really wanna know that answer?